Softer than cloth and fluffier than conventional paper towels.
"CLEAL" is what we have created by striving to make such a wet towel.
Special processing is applied to high-quality paper material to achieve a voluminous feel that you wouldn't expect from a paper towel.
It is very gentle to the touch and is recommended for women and children with sensitive skin.


CLEAL lineup

クリールL平型 抗菌

Cleal L Flat type

1case 800 (100×8 bags)

クリールL丸型 抗菌

Cleal L Rolled type

1case 800 (100×8 bags)

クリールR平型 抗菌

Cleal R Flat type

1 case 1000 (100×10 bags)

クリールR丸型 抗菌

Cleal R round type

1 case 1000 (100 ×10 bags)

クリール さくら 抗菌

Sakura Cleal

1case 800 (100×8 bags)

An oshibori with a cherry blossom pattern printed on it, wrapped in a film with an image of a cloud-and-dragon pattern.

クリール クローバー 抗菌

Clover CLEAL

1case 800 (100×8 bags)

A clover pattern is printed on the oshibori.One out of every two or three sheets has a chance of finding a single four-leaf clover.
Please use this as an opportunity to communicate with your customers.

クリール 着物コレクション 抗菌

Cleal Kimono Collection

1case 800 (100×8 bags)

An oshibori with a gorgeous kimono pattern printed on it is wrapped in a film with the image of a cloud dragon and a gold obi cord.

クリール Oshibori 銀灰 抗菌

CLeal Oshibori silver ash

Size:240mm x 290mm
1case 800 (100×8 bags)

Wrapped in a matte film with a luxurious and soothing gray tone that changes appearance depending on the light.


Consultation・Product inquiries

Tel. 0120-55-4711

Office hours, Week days only 9:00-17:30
Inquiry form

Consultation・Product inquiries


Office hours, Week days only 9:00-17:30
Inquiry form